第67回写真展 Les Blogueurs de France au Shikoku, Japon

I had a wonderful opportunity to meet bloggers from France the other day. I was told that 5 bloggers were selected at the Japan Expo 2009 Paris in July this year to discover the beauty and charm of Shikoku.  They were invited to Japan from October 10 to 22. Their mission is to share and blog about their experiences in Shikoku.


Mr. Yamaji greeted us at the Kokubunji Bonsai Center. He talked about the art of Bonsai in English and French. As you can see, he was not only knowledgeable but also hilarious.  A little smile goes a long way!

The reason why they were dressed in white is to participate in a part of the Shikoku Pilgrimage of 88 temples on the island of Shikoku. It takes about 30 to 60 days to complete the entire journey of 1,200 km or 744 miles on foot. So, we covered 3 temples that day in and around Takamatsu; No. 80 Kokubunji, No. 81 Shiromineji, and No. 82 Negoroji.

First, we stopped by the Iida-cho Omotenashi Station, where Mr. & Mrs. Kono were gracious hosts to show generous hospitality to us. She treated us homemade Umeboshi, pickled plums, and tea as we learned about this spiritual journey.

Now let me introduce Ms. Delphine MACH, who is a very talented illustrator.  She allowed me to see her sketch book, and I could immediately visualize her entire trip.  You can, too, by taking a look at her amazing blog and you will see stories of Aki, her alter ego.

Ms. Salomé HOLZER is a student, who loves "cuisine" and Manga!  Please visit her cute "Kawaii" blog.


Ms. Sophie LE BERRE is interested in plants and gardens.  Indeed, she is very knowledgeable.  She speaks very fluent Japanese and understands Japanese culture as she spent 2 years and a half in Takamatsu in the past.  Somehow she and her family are undoubtedly connected to Japan, since her grandfather worked on architectural projects long ago in Japan, and her parents also visited Japan just before Tokyo Olympics in 1964.  Please see her lovely blog.


Mr. Franck FLEURY is a great professional photographer.  He is experienced and very versatile.  I had a delightful conversation with him about his philosophy on photography.  He takes photos like he breathes air.  It became second nature to him.  He follows his heart when he sees the world through the camera.  In fact, it was a treat to shoot pictures side-by-side with him.  Please enjoy his photos!


Although the fifth blogger, Mr.  Florent PORTA, was not able to come along that day, you can see his blog here.  Instead, Mr. Stephane Michaud accompanied us.  He speaks good Japanese and has a keen understanding of our culture.


This project is called Shikoku Muchujin in Paris lead by Ms. Ozaki.  Find out more here.


Fall foliage season has just begun!



Merci, tout le monde.  I had a great time.  Have a safe journey wherever you go.  …Bon voyage!

7 Responses to 第67回写真展 Les Blogueurs de France au Shikoku, Japon

  1. kakeru.yabuki says:

    まりさん、こんにちは。四国夢中人 フランスから来たブロガーたち、楽しく拝見しました。10月10日から22日までの滞在とのこと。写真を見ると背景の緑はまだ濃いようですが、それでも紅葉の始まっているところもあるのですね。デルフーィヌ・マッハ(と読むのでしょうか?)のお寺の門前らしき日溜りの場所ではすでに一部が紅葉していますね。お遍路さんの姿では寒い日もあったのではないか、と思います。5人の方それぞれの紹介文は簡を得て妙です。フランク・フルーリさん紹介文中にあるHe takes photos like he breathes air.には思わず唸ってしまいました。デルフィーヌさん、サロメ・ホルツァーさんのブログを見て、いろいろやり方があるものだと感心しました。Merci beaucoup!

  2. franck says:

    Dear Mariko, thank you so much for what you wrote about us in your blog, your photos are just amazing, but i\’m not suprise! as i said to you, you were all the time at the rigth place, the rigth moment…you have a great feeling with photography, please continue to show us this beautifull Shikoku with your eyes and i hope to see you again next time i come to Takamatsu. Franck

  3. ゆけむり says:

    こんばんわmariさん5人の若いフランスの方のお世話役本当にご苦労様でした。 外国の方のお世話は、難しいものと思っていますが、mariさんはいとも簡単にやり遂げている。素晴らしいことだと思いました。安心しきって、心から四国を楽しむ様子が写真から拝見することが出来ました。 やはり、heart and heart であることがよくわかりました。 東北を旅行する外国の方を多く見る機会が増えましたが、是非、一声を掛けて彼らのお役に立ちたいものです。 もちろん heart and heart で。 以上のことを英語で書きたかったのですが 10日以上も要するので止めときました。  四国の素晴らしさと若いフランス人の方の笑顔が印象的なmariさんらしい素敵なblogでした。                     サザンエース
